Year 1 and 2 Multi Skills (Throwing and Catching)

Lesson 4

Learning Objective

To throw a range of equipment over a short distance.
To throw a range of equipment with some accuracy towards a target (hoop, box, bucket)

Recap prior key skills and knowledege

To understand the correct throwing technique for a short distance.
To throw a range of equipment over a short distance.

Warm up – Numbers Game


Children to find a space in the learning area where no other child is.

Children will travel around the leaning area traveling in a range of ways: jogging/side steps/high bknees/heel flicks/change directs/sprinting.

On teacher/coach call children will FREEZE/Stop and stand still.

Coach/Teacher will then call a number between 0 and 5.

If the teacher/coach calls;

0 children must sit on the floor crossing their arms and legs

1 child to balance on 1 leg

3,4 or 5 children must get in a group of 3, 4 or 5 depending on the call of the teacher/coach.

If the child is the last/last group they must do a forfeit (Star jumps, high knees for 5 second, stand up/sit down/dance/sing etc.)

Coach to mix calls up- if they shout 2’s but one girl and one boy, add or take away numbers 3-1=2’s.

Coach/teacher to play the activity and a child could lead or support by shouting out the numbers?

Video to support Activity

Activity 1 – Throw and Catch

    • Children working on under-arm throwing with increased accuracy. Teacher/coach to demonstrate this.
    • Split the children into two group, one group will be the throwers and the other group will be the catchers.
    • In the area set out a number of cones/floor marker one for each thrower. With a ball (Dodgeball/Tennis ball or football) on the marker.
    • The throwers stand on a floor marker/cone and hold the equipment.
    • The catchers run around the area and stand 2/3meters away from the throwers
    • The catchers demand the ball/equipment and the throwers throw it to the catchers.
    • If there catchers catches the ball they score one point.
    • Returning the ball to the throws and move to a new catcher in the learning area.
    • How many points can you score in 3 minutes?
    • Allocate 3 minutes for this activity then swap roles. Repeat 2 times so everyone has 2 opportunities to do each role and gives them a chance to beat their last score.

Activity 2 – Throw into the bucket

  • Children working on under-arm throwing with increased accuracy. Teacher/coach to
    demonstrate this.
  • Teacher/ coach to set up 4-6 buckets/targets for the children to throw towards. Can use hoops or a coned area if you don’t have buckets.
  • Split the class into equal groups for the number of bucket/targets you have to throw towards- 6 buckets, 6 teams.
  • One child at a time will run out from each group and collect one bean bag, they will run to the floor marker/cone 3m away from the bucket/target and attempt to throw the beanbag in the target.
  • If it lands in they score one point for their team, if they miss they return the beanbag. Give the next person in their team a high 5 they join the back of their line.
  • Next person sets off.
  • Allocate 4 minutes for this activity.
  • Count up the points in your teams
  • Repeat activity and increase/reduce the distance if needed.

Key Skills

To throw a range of equipment over a short distance.
To throw a range of equipment with some accuracy towards a target (hoop, box, bucket)

Key Vocab

Roll Manipulation
Under Arm Throw Balls
Smooth Cones
Balance Target
Control Aim
Points Release
Weight of throw Speed


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