Year 5 and 6 Dodgeball

Lesson 1

Learning Objective

1.To be able to catch a range of balls thrown at speed
2. To be able to throw with increase accuracy and speed

Recap prior key skills and knowledege

First lesson, teacher/coach to discuss the basic rules and aims of Dodgeball.
Dodgeball is a fast paced game that involves throwing and dodging balls to eliminate
1. Teams must consist of 6 players per team, with 10 pupil’s maximum in a squad.
2. Games will last for 2 minutes and there are three games to be played in a set.
3. Games are usually played on a badminton court or a rectangle/squared area.
4. The team with the most players on the court after the 2 minutes are the winning team.
For example if the red team has 4 pupils left and the blue team has 1, the red team will
win that match 4-1.
5. 3 balls are in play at a time, to start the game the balls are placed along the centre
6. The ball on the teams left is their designated ball at the start of the game only.
7. The middle ball in the only ball that teams can challenge for.
8. The balls are not live until they are passed back and beyond the return line.
9. Any pupil hit with a live ball by an opposing pupil will be called out- head shots do not
count. Unless a pupil heads the ball intentionally.
10. Any catch on a live ball, the thrower is out. The pupil who throw the caught ball will be
called out and the catching team will gain a player who is already out on their team.
11. Pupils are able to use a ball to block any balls thrown towards them.
12. If the ball they are holding is knocked from their possession they will be called out.
13. Players must not intentionally stall the game, if a team has possession of 2 of the 3
balls they should attempt to throw one back to the other team.
14. If players are holding on to a ball for long periods of time, the teacher/coach may want
to set them a time limit of holding the ball 10/15 seconds.

Warm up – Fire Cracker TAG

Pulse Raiser
Ask all the children to find a safe space in the learning area.
Children to travel around the area all traveling in the same direction
Teacher/Coach to call the following commands for the children to follow
Jogging/Side Steps/High Knees/Skipping/Heel Flicks.
Changing directions regularly.

Fire Cracker TAG- Description
All the children are to find a safe space in the learning area
Teacher/coach to select two or three TAGGERS and two “Fire Crackers” (fire crackers to have one
dodgeball each. Taggers need a coloured bib each so they can be identified.
Taggers will move around the area attempting to TAG pupils.
Tagged pupils must stand with arms in the air trying to get the attention of the firecrackers.
The firecracker will run towards the tagged pupil and throw the dodgeball to them, if they catch it
they return the ball to the firecracker and they are free to move again.
Allocate 2 minutes for this activity. Repeat and change taggers and firecrackers.


Activity 1 – Play in the Middle

  • Split the children into groups of three
  • Place down 3 floor markers or cones, 5 meters apart.
  • Number the children 1, 2 and 3. Pupil 1 and 3 are to stand on the end floor markers and
    player 2 to stand in the middle.
  • One dodgeball each group.
  • Children to experiment with a range of throws and rolls
  • The aim of the activity it to throw or roll the dodgeball past the person in the middle without them intercepting it.
  • Pupil in the middle to attempt to catch/intercept the dodgeball if possible, one point for each interception.
  • All pupils are to have 2 minutes in the middle to see how many points they can win.
  • Can we use under arm throws,over arm throws, fast throws,high/low throws, spin throw, bounce throw, roll the ball.
  • Allow 15 minutes for this activity, after all children have had one go of each roll, call the class in and discuss successful ways of getting the ball past the pupil in the middle.
  • Repeat and see if we can be more successful with our throws.
  • See examples of throwing techniques below.

Activity 2 – Catch This

  • Split the class into equal groups, each group needs a min of three pupils per team with five children been the most in a group.
  • Place down 3 floor markers 5 meters apart as shown in the video.
  • One pupil on each floor marker, team of five will have two pupils on each of the end floor markers.
  • Each team needs one dodgeball.
  • The child with the ball throws under arm to the pupil in the middle, the middle player receives the ball, turns and throws to the other team.
  • That team then throws the ball back to the player in the middle who turns and throws to the waiting team.
  • Pupil in the middle to catch and turn quickly to throw the ball.
  • Children to catch with two hands and throw with one.
  • Change the pupil in the middle every one or two minutes.
  • Give everyone the opportunity to be the player in the middle.
  • Progress to over arm throwing.
  • Emphasize the importance of catching a ball in dodgeball.
  • Once all children have had one go of each roll, call the class in and discuss successful ways of getting the ball past the pupil in the middle.
  • Repeat and see if we can be more successful with our throws.
  • Allow 20 minutes for this activity
  • See examples of throwing techniques below.

Activity 3 – Stepping Stones – Throwing and catching

  • Split the class into four or six equal groups, children to stand behind their designated
    floor marker/cone.
  • One ball per team
  • Spread out a number (20/30) of floor markers or cones in the middle of the learning area as shown below.
  • One child from each group at a time will run out to stand on a floor marker or cone of their choice (stepping stone).
  • When they are standing on the floor marker of their choice, they will call for the ball to be thrown from their team, if the child on the stepping stone catches the ball, they pick the stepping stone up and take it back to their team. This equals one point for their
  • If they don’t catch the ball, they leave the stepping stone, collect their ball and return back to their team.
  • The children will pick what stepping stone to stand on, with the floor markers set out all over the learning area the distance will be different each time meaning children will need to adjust throwing techniques each throw.

Key Knowledge/Teacher questions

– There are several throwing techniques you can use to improve your accuracy, speed,
and strategy in dodgeball. Here are some common throwing techniques:
– Overarm throw- The overarm throw is the most common and basic throwing
technique in Dodgeball. Hold the ball with a firm grip in one hand, extend your arm
backwards, and swing it forward in an overhead motion. Release the ball then your
hand and the ball are pointing towards your target or just above the target.
– Sidearm throw- The sidearm throw involves holding the ball at your side, with your arm
extended towards the target. Swing your arm forward in a horizontal motion, releasing
the ball as it comes across your body. This technique is useful for throwing low and fast
– Underarm throw- The underhand throw is similar to a under arm bowl in cricket. Hold
the ball with an underhand grip, with your arm extended backward. Swing your arm
forward, releasing the ball at the appropriate point. This technique is useful for throwing
quick, accurate shots.
– Pump Fake- A pump fake is a throwing technique used to deceive opponents. Act as if
you are going to throw the ball, but instead, make a quick motion as if you are going to
throw and then pull it back. This can cause opponents to react and potentially leave
them open for another throw or create confusion in their defence.
– Bounce Throw- The bounce throw involves throwing the ball at the ground, causing it to
bounce up and hit your target. This technique can be useful for surprising opponents or
getting the ball around their defences.
– Spin Throw- The spin throw adds spin to the ball, making it curve or dip in mid-air. To
perform a spin throw, rotate your wrist as you release the ball. The technique can make

it more challenging for opponents to catch or dodge the ball.
– Remember, the effectiveness of these techniques depends on your practice, arm
strength, and the situation in the game. It's important to adapt your throwing technique
based on the specific circumstances and the skills of your opponents.

Key Skills

1.To be able to catch a range of balls thrown at speed
2. To be able to throw with increase accuracy and speed

Key Vocab

Dodge Out
Duck Catch
Tactics Bounce
Formation Jump
Speed Support
Change of direction Rules
Spin throw Pump fake
Bounce throw Under/over arm throws


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