Year 5 and 6 Dodgeball

Lesson 4

Learning Objective

1.To be able to implement a range of attacking and defending tactics.
2. To fully understand and implement all dodgeball rules.

Recap prior key skills and knowledege

To communicate as a team in a game situation.
To be able to implement a range of attacking and defending tactics.

Warm up – Taggers and Ball Handling


Pulse Raiser
Ask all the children to find a safe space in the learning area.
Children to travel around the area all traveling in the same direction
Teacher/Coach to call the following commands for the children to follow
Jogging/Side Steps/High Knees/Skipping/Heel Flicks.
Changing directions regularly.

Taggers Description:
Designate a few players as "taggers" and have them chase the other players within a defined area.
Players must dodge the taggers by using quick movements, changes in direction, and evasive
tactics. This activity helps improve agility and reaction time.

Ball Handling Description:
Have players partner up and stand facing each other, a short distance apart.
Each pair should have a dodgeball.
Instruct them to pass the ball back and forth using various techniques, such as chest
passes, overhead throws, and underhand tosses.
This activity helps improve throwing and catching skills while warming up the arms and

Activity 1 – Dodgeball Matrix

  • Developing a strong defensive skill is crucial in dodgeball, this drill will support development in defending and support children to improve their dodging, blocking and catching abilities.
  • Set up a grid of cones or markers in the learning area
  • Divide the class into pairs, with on player as the “throw” and the other as the “dodger”.
  • The throwers objective is to hit the dodger with the dodgeball while the dodger uses quick movement and dodges to avoid getting hit.
  •  Any thrower can hit any dodgers.
  •  Dodgers to move around the areas avoiding getting him by the ball
  •  Rotate roles after 3 minutes or a number of throws.
  •  This activity helps children practice evasive manoeuvres and agility.
  •  Allow 15 minutes for this activity.

Activity 2 – Block This

  • Developing a strong defensive skill is crucial in dodgeball, this drill will support development in defending and support children to improve their dodging, blocking and throwing abilities.
  • Split the class into 4 or 5 equal groups
  •  Each team to have a min of 3 pupils in each group
  •  Two ball per group, one throwing ball and one ball to be used to block.
  •  Set up drill as shown on supporting video
  •  One blocker per group, standing on the blocking floor marker
  •  First person will run out and gather the ball, collect the ball, turn back and run toward return line, touch the ball on the floor, turn around and run and throw the ball from the collecting line. Throw using an over arm technique.
  • Blocker to stand side on with ball in hand
  •  The blocker uses the ball as a shield to block or deflect the ball thrown towards them.
  •  Pupils to switch roles after 2 minutes, all players to be the blockers over the drill.
  •  Allow 20 minutes for activity

Activity 3 – Defending Tactics- Guess the Tactic

Defending Tactics to be discussed with the class:

  • Dodging and Evading: Discuss the skill of dodging by moving quickly and unpredictably. Encourage them to use quick side to side movements, jumps, and dives to avoid getting hit.
  • Blocking: instruct players to use the ball as a shield to block incoming throws. Teach them to hold the ball in front of their bodies as they dodge, using it a a barrier to deflect incoming balls.
  •  Utilizing Boundaries: players can use the boundaries of the court as a defensive tactic.By positioning themselves near the side-lines or back of the court they can limit the angles from which opponents can throw at them, making it easier to dodge or block.
  • Teamwork and communication– encourage players to work together as a team and communicate on the court. They can alert each other to incoming throws, coordinated their movements to create a defensive wall, and provide support to teammates who are under attack.
  • Retreats: sometimes, it’s best for players to retreat to the back of the court when they are outnumbered of overwhelmed by opponents. This allows them to create distance and have more time to react to incoming throws.


Game Situation

  • Once you have discussed all the defending tactics above, split the children into equal teams with six players in each teams.
  • Give each team a coloured bib so children can identify their team.
  • The team is to communicate and select one tactic and attempt to implement it in game situation. DON’T TELL THE OTHER TEAM WHAT THE TACTIC IS!
  • Play a game against another team using the dodgeball rules form lesson 1.
  •  Children in other teams that are not playing are to attempt to guess the teams
    defending tactic.
  •  After the game, coach/teach calls both teams in and children attempt to guess what tactic the team tried to implement.
  • All teams to play each other once.
  •  Games to last for 2 minutes
  •  Allow 30 minutes for activity.

Key Knowledge/Teacher questions

 To understanding defensive tactics in dodgeball
To know when to implement a range of defending skills in dodgeball

Key Skills

To be able to successfully block or deflect a ball thrown towards you.

Key Vocab

Block Deflect
Dodge Respect
Duck Out
Throw Catch
Tactics Hit
Strategies Bounce
Formation Handling
Speed Jump
Change of Direction Support
Power Rules


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