Year 1 and 2 Multi Skills (Throwing and Catching)

Lesson 5

Learning Objective

To throw a range of equipment with some accuracy towards a target (hoop, box, bucket)
To understand the correct catching technique when receiving a range of  objects (hands together making a bowl shape)

Recap prior key skills and knowledege

To throw a range of equipment over a short distance.
To throw a range of equipment with some accuracy towards a target (hoop, box, bucket)

Warm up – Ball Manipulation


All children to have one small ball each in their hands.

Traveling around the area with one or two hands on the ball, Set the children a range of ways to move with the ball in hands, side steps, high knees, skipping, walking, jogging, and sprinting. 2 minutes.

On the teachers/coaches command children will pass the ball from one hand to the other. If they drop it they pick it up and start again.

Challenge the children to touch parts of their body with the ball while moving, head, shoulders, nose, back, toes, legs, bum etc… can the children do this while moving??

Teach/coach will challenge the children by changing way to handle the balls. Can children pass the balls around their body (Hips), bouncy the ball on the floor and attempt to catch, throw the ball in the air and attempt to catch?
Video to support Activitiy/Unit

Activity 1 – Throwing into the bucket

  • Revisit learning and learnt skills from last lesson.
  • Children working on under-arm throwing with increased accuracy. Teacher/coach to demonstrate this.
  • Teacher/ coach to set up 4-6 buckets/targets for the children to throw towards. Can use hoops or a coned area if you don’t have buckets.
  • Split the class into equal groups for the number of bucket/targets you have to throw towards- 6 buckets, 6 teams.
  • One child at a time will run out from each group and collect one bean bag, they will run to the floor marker/cone 3m away from the bucket/target and attempt to throw the beanbag in the target.
  • If it lands in they score one point for their team, if they miss they return the beanbag. Give the next person in their team a high 5 they join the back of their line.
  • Next person sets off.
  • Allocate 4 minutes for this activity.
  • Count up the points in your teams
  • Repeat activity and increase/reduce the distance if needed.

Activity 2 – Throwing and Catching

  • Revisit learning and learnt skills from last lesson. However focus on the catching this lesson.
  • Children working on under-arm throwing with increased accuracy and developing a good two handed catching technique. Teacher/coach to demonstrate this.
  • Split the children into two group, one group will be the throwers and the other group will be the catchers.
  • In the area set out a number of cones/floor marker one for each thrower. With a ball (Dodgeball/Tennis ball or football) on the marker.
  • The throwers stand on a floor marker/cone and hold the equipment.
  • The catchers run around the area and stand 2/3meters away from the throwers
  • The catchers demand the ball/equipment and the throwers throw it to the catchers.
  • Catchers to stand with feet apart facing the thrower, hand out in frount together forming a bowl like shape.
  • Eyes on the equipment/ball at all times.
  • If there catchers catches the ball they score one point.
  • Returning the ball to the throws and move to a new catcher in the learning area.
  • How many points can you score in 3 minutes?
  • Allocate 3 minutes for this activity then swap roles. Repeat 2 times so everyone has 2
    opportunities to do each role and gives them a chance to beat their last score.
    Video to support Activity

Activity 3 – Treasure Catch

  • Split the group into 4 or 6 teams depending on the size of the learning area. Place the 4 or 6 hoops around the outside of the area and line the teams up behind their own hoop. This is their treasure chest. Teacher/coach to place a 20/30 items (Tennis balls, dodgeballs, bean bags) in
    the middle of the learning area.
  • Each group will have a second hoop in front of the first 2/3 meters away.
  • One child at a time from each group will run out to the middle and collect one item of treasure, they will then turn, run and stand in their second hoop facing their team. The child will then throw the item to the waiting group and if the person at the front catches the item they win one point and put the treasure in their chest.
  • If they don’t catch the item it must go back in the middle of the area.
  • Play this activity for 5/10 minutes.
  • Once all the items have gone from the middle, one child at a time can run out and steal a item from another teams chest. If they catch it they keep the point, if they drop it, this must be returned to the team they stole from.
  • At the end of the allocated time, count up the items and that is the teams score.

Key Knowledge/Teacher questions

To understand the correct catching technique when receiving a range of objects (hands together making a bowl shape).

Key Skills

To throw a range of equipment with some accuracy towards a target (hoop, box, bucket)

Key Vocab

Roll Manipulation
Throw Balls
Smooth Cones
Balance Target
Control Aim
Points Release

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